
Fundraising is an essential part of our PTA. Money raised by the PTA provides funds to support field trips, teacher stipends, classroom supplies, technology, the Parent Led Art program, the After School Program and much more!





  1. Make a donation directly to the PTA anytime! You can find a link to do so here. Share with friends and family outside the Konstella community with this link.

  2. Set your Amazon Smile account to support the Llewellyn PTA. If you shop on Amazon, you can automatically have a portion of every purchase go to the Llewellyn PTA. Go to and select Llewellyn PTA as your charity as choice. For future Amazon purchases, go through the smile site rather than directly through Amazon.

  3. Join the PTA! A portion of your membership goes directly to the Llewellyn PTA. Only PTA members can vote at PTA meetings. You can join through Konstella here or on the Oregon PTA website here.

  4. Llewellyn School (not the PTA) earns money when you shop at Office Depot and give them our Llewellyn Back-to-School number at checkout: 70084206. Fred Meyer shoppers can support our school when they select Llewellyn as their Community Rewards organization. There might be more companies that can provide a benefit to our school, so help us explore more options!

Have an idea for a fundraiser you'd like to organize for our school? Contact us by email to talk more about getting involved.

Fall Gift Wrap


The Charleston Wrap fundraiser typically raises enough money to fully fund our art program. Their gift wrap is excellent quality and there are tons of other fun gift ideas to choose from. Check people off your holiday list early, like the inlaws, office staff, clients, and maybe something for yourself too.

The sale window is open from Sept-Oct, with orders arriving right around Thanksgiving. You can avoid a frantic holiday shopping season, while helping our school at the same time!


Annual Auction


The Llewellyn Auction is the PTA's biggest fundraiser of the year, typically held in the Spring. Whether online or in person, it brings the community together. Local businesses, parents, teachers and classrooms contribute to the auction with local wares, activities, and art.

Proceeds from the auction go to support the PTA, including funding field trips, class art, teacher stipends, and the Llewellyn Garden. (The paddle raise component of the auction supports the Foundation.)


Spring Plant Sale


Our annual spring plant sale is a great opportunity to buy hanging baskets in time for Mother's Day, while helping to raise funds for our school garden! We work with a local nursery that sells veggie starts, annual + perennial flowers, hanging baskets and more. Prices are competitive to your local retail nursery, so you’ll get a great deal AND help the school garden.

Preorders are typically open for 2-3 weeks following Spring Break. Plants arrive the Saturday before Mother’s Day.